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At-Home Workouts

#1 Tabata 20/10 x 8 @SAME

1. Jumping jacks
2. Squats
3. Push-ups
4. Burpees
5. Split squats
6. V-ups
7. Mountain climbers
8. Plank jacks

#2 EMOM x 7 (rotate)

1. 15 Sumo Squats
2. 15 push-ups
3. 20 jump squats
4. 20 (ea) russian Twists
5. 12 burpees
6. 1min jump rope

#3 Pile On *add 1 each round (1…12…123…1234)

1. 15 Spazzov Squats (ea)
2. 12 Triangle Push-ups (triceps)
3. 10 V-ups
4. 20 Split Squats (ea)
5. 25 Butterfly sit-ups
6. 25 Prisoner squats
7. 10 Inchworm Push-ups
8. 25 Supermans
9. 50 tricep dips (chair, stool)
10. 100 Jumping Jacks

#4 Do 5 Rounds

25 Push-ups
35 Full Body Crunches
45 Squats
50 Lunges (ea)
60 Mountain Climbers (ea)
90 sec Wall sit

#5 Jump Rope Hi-Rep

Jump Rope (5 min)
-1 min—2 foot jump
-30 sec—Right leg
-30 sec—Left leg
-30 sec—side to side
-30 sec—forward and back
-2 min—speed run
-100 squat jumps
-100 sit-ups
-100 push-ups
-50 tricep- dips
-50 burpees

#6 Pyramid 8, 10, 12, 15, 12, 10, 8

Mountain Climbers (ea)
Plank up-downs (ea)
Lunges in Place (ea)
Explosive Split Squats (ea)
Plank punches (ea)
Jump Rope side to side (ea)

#7 Thru the Decades (can go through AMRAP)

100- Speed Skaters (ea)
90- K2’s (ea)– (push up position, jump both feet towards right elbow then back to
starting position. Continue to left side and back. You’re making a V)
80- Plank Jacks with Push-ups
70- Russian Twists (ea)
60- Split Squats (ea)
50- Leg Lifts
40- Pull-ups
30- Dips
20- Push-up Ladder (ea)—(Push-up with a lateral plank walk–push-up- walk repeat)
10- Burpees

#8 Tabata 20/10 x 8 Rotating

(switch exercises after each 20 work)
1. High Knees
2. Butt Kickers
3. Jumping Jack with Squat
4. V-ups
5. Russian Twists
6. Mountain Climbers
7. Tricep Push-ups
8. Clapping Push-ups
–After 8 rounds 15 min Jump Rope

#9 Add 2+(2, 4, 6, 8, 10…) Set Timer For 30 min

Reverse Lunges (ea)
Un-even Push-ups (use pot, books)
Single Leg SLDL (ea)
Alt Scissors (ea)—opp hand opp foot (abs)
Goblet Squat Jumps
Explosive Lunges (ea)
Rev Crunches

–After 30 min—
-100 Two Foot Jumps
-100 Speed runs (ea)
-100 In and Out (total)
-100 Two Foot Jumps
-100 Your Choice

#10 Tabata 30/15 x 6 @ Same

1. Inch worm Pushups
2. Single Leg Hip Bridge
3. Plank up downs (plank position on elbows go up to hands and back to elbows)
4. Bottom Half Burpees (hand on ground entire time, jump back push jump to hands)
5. Pull-up holds (keep chin over the bar for all 30 sec)
6. V-ups
7. Jump Squats
8. Dips
9. Spazzov Squats

#11 Decreasing AMRAP 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

1. Step-ups (ea)—chair, box, bucket
2. Jump Rope—can also just jump
3. Spider Man Push-ups (ea)—push up while taking right knee to right elbow, switch
4. Plank Jacks
5. Pike Push-ups (Pike pos. bend arms take forehead towards ground—shldr push-ups)
6. Jump Rope—Individual Leg (R&L) ea
7. Lateral Lunges (ea)
8. Power Jack—Jumping jack with a squat

#12 LADDERS (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

—do one rep and rest. Then 2…rest as long as needed.
Once you get to 6, start back at 1. Stay at that exercise for time allotted.

5 min—jump rope
6 min ladder—Tricep Dips
6 min ladder—lunges in place
5 min—jump rope
5 min ladder—plank push-ups
5 min ladder—spazzov squats
5 min—jump rope
5 min—ladder sit-ups
5 min—jump rope

#13 Set Timer for 2 DIFFERENT AMRAPS—20 MIN EACH


15 Body Weight Squats
15 Split Squats (ea)
15 Single Leg SLDL (ea)
15 Jump Squats
25 Bicycle Crunches (ea)


15 Clapping Push-ups
15 Diamond Push-ups
15 Mountain Climbers (ea)
15 Supermans
25 Russian Twists (ea)

#14 WORK 1min / 30 sec REST X 4 @ Same

*Finish reps on 1st exercise then go right into the 2nd for remaining time

1. 15 Sit-ups / Supermans
2. 15 BW Squats / Jumping Jacks
3. 10 Push-up Plank Jacks / Mnt climbers
4. 10 Burpees / Plank Holds
5. 10 Explosive Lunges (ea) / Body Weight Squats
6. 1 min Jump Rope (either double-under or for speed)

#15 Filthy 50

50 reps of everything. Finish all reps before moving on. Rest as needed.

1. Push-up Toe Touches (ea)—after push-up touch opp hand with opp foot/knee
2. Split Squats (ea)
3. Spazzov Squats (ea)
4. Burpees
5. Jumping Jacks
6. Plank Punches (ea)
7. Diamond Push-ups

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